Tuesday, 9 June 2015

History of my actions for Tulasi

Today I'm going to analize all my Tulasi history in attempt to find the answer to the question "What did I do wrong?"

Most common mistakes are not watering right and not enough light. I think that's not about us.
So the only thing left - I'm not feeding her right.

9 March 2014 - seed in the ground
1 June 2014 (soil Miracle Gro, lamp CFL full spectrum)

9 June 2014
Here problems begin - brown dry tips. Most possible reason - overwatering. But I misunderstood it as a bad soil with fertilizers. So I went to buy soil fertilizers free and
13 June 2014 - tranplanted Tulasi to bigger pot
18 June 2014
Here I saw first yellow leaf with white veins and started fertilizing
28 June 2014 - fertilizer (deluted composted cow manure)
30 June 2014 - first flower
9 July 2014
At this photo I can see that leaves started to curl downwards already.
13 July 2014 - Miracle Gro All Purpose fertiliser (200g)
24-N  8 - Phosphate 16 - Potash
26 July 2014 - Miracle Gro (100g)
9 August 2014 - Miracle Gro (300g)
11 August 2014 - shower (started war with spider mites which possibly were never present...)
12 August 2014
White veins especialy on tips that later became dry and leaf falled off. I decided that it was spider mites. Now I think I was wrong. 
15 August 2014 - under HPS lamp

22 August 2014 - under MH lamp (at this point she was looking really bad. Many leaves were first having white veins than turning brown dry and fall)

23 August 2014 - Miracle Gro (300g) + Safers inseticide
30 August 2014 - Safers

7 September 2014 - Miracle Gro (300g) + Safers
9 September 2014

14 September 2014 - Safers
16 September 2014

22 September 2014 - Miracle Gro (400g) + Safers
24 September 2014

28 September 2014 - Safers

4 October 2014 - Neem Oil insecticide
7 October 2014 - Miracle Gro (300g)
9 October 2014

13 October 2014 - Neem Oil
Another problem begun - yellowing and thowing lots of leaves so
24 October 2014 - replanted to bigger pot
25 October 2014
27 October 2014 - Neem oil

7 November 2014 - Miracle Gro (300g) + Neem oil
9 November 2014
10 November 2014 - Safers
12 November 2014 - End All insecticide
14 November 2014
20 November 2014 - added ashes from fireplace
25 November 2014

4 December 2014 - Pure Cold Pressed Neem Oil
8 December 2014 - LED lamp
10 December 2014 - burn from LED lamp
2 January 2015 - Pure Neem
10 January 2015
19 January 2015 - Miracle Gro

27 February 2015

10 March 2015 

25 March 2015 - transplant into new Tropical Plant soil
26 March 2015 

27 March 2015 - Miracle Gro + Iron

9 April 2015
11 April 2015 - Miracle Gro

10 May 2015 - fertilizer 14-14-14 for Hanging Basket

22 May 2015 - took her outside first time

Conclusion: Change of lamps, applying Miracle Gro Fertilizer and insecticide, replanting into new soil didn't seem to help. My only guess that wood ashes made some change. Althoughit was dangerous. I'm going to check this out.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Tulasi plant problems

I planted my Tulasi seed on May 9, 2014. So now She's slightly more then a year old.
This year wasn't easy for us... She's not feeling well from almost Her one month old age.
I was trying everything to make Her feel better. I seached internet for solution again and again.
But internet was no help. Not much helpful information about problems with Tulasi plant.

So this is gonna be a blog about it. About problems with Tulasi plant and attempts to solve them. And maybe I'll be lucky and someone will help me through this blog.

Now my Tulasi looks like this

I took her outside as soon as the night temperature became above +10C.
Although She always was under light inside, I hope that sunlight will make some good changes.

I tried every lamp I guess. At first it was CFL full spectrum grow light. When problems began in autumn I've changed it to 430W HPS lamp. Then to 400W MH lamp. And finally to LED.
She survived winter with those lamps but....

My Tulasi has too many bad symptoms.
1. Curled Tulasi leaves. 
They say it's because lack of light. Doesn't seem true to me.... She had those under lamps too. But If the sun will heal that, I would be extremly happy.

2. Yellow Tulasi leaves that falling down later.
I was so stressed when it started for the first time in autumn. So many leaves turned yellow and falled down. Maybe I'll write later what I tried to stop this. And at some point it did stop. I was so happy because I thought I found the reason. And then.... In spring it started again... With no reason....
It seems that outside it's getting better. I'll keep you updated.

3. White tips and veins on Tulasi leaves. 
It started when She was about 3 month old. And I still have no idea what is that??? Some people say it's virus and nothing can be done... Lately I had an idea that it's iron deficiency. I gonna check this out.

4. Brown dry Tulasi leaves. 
This problem developed most recently. It looks like a burn. but it's not from sun. I happened before I took her outside. LED lamp? No... I know how burns from LED look like....

5. Deformed Tulasi leaves.
New leaves are not developing normal shape and size. Looks better outside.

6. New Tulasi buds are not developing and die.

So as you see too many problems for one plant.... My only hope that she'll get better during summer outside. I know there is danger of spider mites and others, but I just have to try.

I see new green leaves and buds that give me that hope!